Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Getting Out of Debt

We are going on our 2nd quarter of 2013. Have you recovered from the expenses of 2012. Below are some tips on how you can Get out of Debt.

Getting out of DEBT

Debt is a major problem for most people. Sometimes, it becomes a habit. Below are 13 steps that I have formulated that can get you out of the rut.

1.   Face the problem
2.   Commit to getting out of debt
3.   Have a time frame
4.   Take inventory of all your debt
5.   Record all your expenses
6.   Determine your needs and wants,
7.   Let go of the wants
8.   Use the wants money to pay off your debt
9.   Choose the debt with the highest interest and pay it off first
10.   Talk o your creditors and ask for a workable payment scheme
11.   Stop using your credit card, pay in cash
12.   Have another source of income to help you pay off
13.   Learn from your experience & make it a life choice

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Income Protection
(A six part series on wealth building)

Let me start of this article by giving you the very basic of ones journey in building wealth.

This is vital and the base of our pyramid. Why? Because this is the money used to provide the daily, weekly. Monthly sustenance you and your family will need when an unexpected emergency arises. What are these emergencies I am referring to?
1.  Loss of Life
2.  accident
3.  disability ( one is still alive but can not move without
4.  sickness
5.  dismemberment ( a part of the body is impaired that makes
                         one invalid)

These are just some of life’s episodes that WILL happen
( specially loss of life) The question is WHEN it will happen (We can never say). Once this happens, family will suffer. Yes, they will suffer from the loss in many aspects.
1.  Loss of a loved one

        2. Loss of Money, Children may not be able to finish
            school. There will be no money for tuition fee,
            allowance, books, clothing , etc.
        3. Loss of dignity. The lifestyle that the family is used   
            to will be downgraded.

        4. Loss of youth. The child may have to go to work
            and stop school.

5.  Loss of role model. Spouse may I have to be away from the children just to find work and no one will be left watching over the children.

So many stories and life experiences happened that could have been prevented if only proper plans were made.       

My advice is that the best gift that we could really do for ourselves and our loved ones is to plan and protect your FINANCIAL FUTURE. Done by arranging a strategy that can provide when loss of income strikes. This is when either one or two of the income provider is not there to fend for the family. This is a scary thought but it is REALITY.