Monday, June 24, 2013


GUEST:Danny Perez
. He is a director of Enderun College at the Fort.


GUEST:Raul Banzon
. He is the CEO and Head Trainer of PLYOSPORTS Sparks

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

investment Academy part 1 and 2 by Rowena Suarez

 Topic: My Home- Based Business

a Supermom who turned her love for food into a home-based business. Jaq's kitchen prides itself with a fusion of Filipino seafoods and foreign gourmet that has quickly proven to be a new category and instant best seller to locals, foreigners, and Filipinos abroad.
part 1


Thursday, May 2, 2013

investment academy with rowena suarez 3.20.13 part 1 and 2

Guest Speaker: Harvey de Baron ( Baron Method )
Title: Fitness is my Business part 2

investment academy with rowena suarez 3.6.13 part 1

Guest Speaker: Dr. Iris Tagud Pastor ( Aesthetic Doctor)
Title: Beauty and the Business

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Getting Out of Debt

We are going on our 2nd quarter of 2013. Have you recovered from the expenses of 2012. Below are some tips on how you can Get out of Debt.

Getting out of DEBT

Debt is a major problem for most people. Sometimes, it becomes a habit. Below are 13 steps that I have formulated that can get you out of the rut.

1.   Face the problem
2.   Commit to getting out of debt
3.   Have a time frame
4.   Take inventory of all your debt
5.   Record all your expenses
6.   Determine your needs and wants,
7.   Let go of the wants
8.   Use the wants money to pay off your debt
9.   Choose the debt with the highest interest and pay it off first
10.   Talk o your creditors and ask for a workable payment scheme
11.   Stop using your credit card, pay in cash
12.   Have another source of income to help you pay off
13.   Learn from your experience & make it a life choice

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Income Protection
(A six part series on wealth building)

Let me start of this article by giving you the very basic of ones journey in building wealth.

This is vital and the base of our pyramid. Why? Because this is the money used to provide the daily, weekly. Monthly sustenance you and your family will need when an unexpected emergency arises. What are these emergencies I am referring to?
1.  Loss of Life
2.  accident
3.  disability ( one is still alive but can not move without
4.  sickness
5.  dismemberment ( a part of the body is impaired that makes
                         one invalid)

These are just some of life’s episodes that WILL happen
( specially loss of life) The question is WHEN it will happen (We can never say). Once this happens, family will suffer. Yes, they will suffer from the loss in many aspects.
1.  Loss of a loved one

        2. Loss of Money, Children may not be able to finish
            school. There will be no money for tuition fee,
            allowance, books, clothing , etc.
        3. Loss of dignity. The lifestyle that the family is used   
            to will be downgraded.

        4. Loss of youth. The child may have to go to work
            and stop school.

5.  Loss of role model. Spouse may I have to be away from the children just to find work and no one will be left watching over the children.

So many stories and life experiences happened that could have been prevented if only proper plans were made.       

My advice is that the best gift that we could really do for ourselves and our loved ones is to plan and protect your FINANCIAL FUTURE. Done by arranging a strategy that can provide when loss of income strikes. This is when either one or two of the income provider is not there to fend for the family. This is a scary thought but it is REALITY.


Saturday, February 16, 2013


Money defined in the dictionary Merriam Webster, 1. Something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment.

What role does money really play in our lives?

I was born in a family of entrepreneurs. I always thought that money is made to be spent. I started making money at an early age of 12. My family would go on buying trips abroad and I would use my pocket money to buy knick-knacks, especially in the 70s when sanrio was a big hit. We would go to Japan’s wholesale district in bacarucho and that was heaven for me. Ones I like an item, I would buy it in bulk usually in 6s or dozens (cheaper that way) than single pieces. I would get one for myself (that’s my advertising cost) the rest I sell to friends and family. My thinking was that, if I like it why won’t others. That went on until the 80s when I would buy stuff in hongkong, I remember the raybans look alike in the night market. I’d buy dozens and dozens of different kind and sell to my classmates (without the nuns knowing). Wow! I made so much money. I was exhilarated and bought myself a drawstring Louis Vuitton bucket bag at the hongkong peninsula. That went on until college when I, together with my family opened, ritratto, a mens and women’s boutique that catered to the young urban professionals. In this business, I was exposed to so much fashion eye candy that made me buy whatever I fancy. One day I asked myself where is all that I worked for going to? My credit card bill skyrocketed and I have no balance in my account. My Louis Vuitton bag now has deteriorated. My daughter can’t even use it anymore fixing it and having it rehabilitated would cost me close to buying another one. That brings me back to the question again that has been lurking inside me. Where do all these “working for my money lead to?”

As I have matured (this I’d like to think so J) in my life journey and now a financial planner and wealth manager. I have come to realize and believe that from the day we are born until the day we join our creator (even after) Hello funeral expenses! we need money. Every stage in our life money is essential to make to accomplish and make things happen.

Lets start with the basic- upon giving birth, can you leave the hospital without paying for your doctors, operating rooms, nursery, medicines and others. I am not being materialistic, just practical. Being practical for daily living for ones existence.

Moving on, 5-7 years after, this child (lets call him sonny) will go to school, guess what? Money will be needed for all related expenses directly for the sonny’s education. After school, sonny will work, get married, and have kids of his own. He will then retire and be in his golden years. My question, in what stage in his life here didn't he use money to move forward and have a decent living?

This brings me to end my article, that money is to be made to use for our existence. It should NOT rule our lives but enhance it by making the right choices to be able to provide a respectable life for us and our family.

Money shouldn’t rule you nor make your world go round but rather make choices that money could provide to be a blessing and share to others. We all have our god given talents, talents that we are naturally good at. This is the capital that he has provided us with. Use these gifts and share it with others. You will be happier and you will be richer J

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

About Ro

Rowena Cuyco Suarez is a wife, mother, TV host, registered financial planner, certified wealth manager, and businesswoman.

Prior to entering a career in financial planning in 2004, Ro operated successful businesses in fashion retail and corporate giveaways. Roots of her business career began as a child selling various knick-knacks bought during international travels with her family to her classmates in Assumption College and continued well into her teens and eventually to early adulthood when she worked for the family business. While attending college at De La Salle University, Ro opened Ritratto, a fashion retail store and continued operating it until the early 2000s. She eventually sold the business shortly before undertaking a career in financial planning.

The shift in her career path was brought about by a desire to broaden her range, from a fashion and business background to the finance and wealth management field.

In 2004,she began working for Pru Life U.K. as a financial consultant. Her immediate success, propelled her to seek further growth and become a Certified Wealth Manager. She also eventually applied and gained membership in the Life Underwriters Association of the Philippines (LUAP).

Six years after joining Pru Life U.K. and after garnering many accolades because of her outstanding performance, she decided to become a Unit Manager, supervising her own group of financial planners while continuing to serve and expand her own range of clientele.

Over the years, Ro has diversified and expanded her range of financial services and currently serves over 500 clients.

Providing the highest ethical standards in selling

Registered Financial Planner
Certified Wealth Manager
Member, Life Underwriters Association of the Philippines (LUAP)
Member, Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011
Awarded by Philippine Finance Association, Inc. (PFA)

2011 MDRT (Million Dollar Round Table) Member|MDRT is the premier organization for Finance Professionals. Membership is renewable on a yearly basis, wherein each member must attain a production goal set by the MDRT while adhering to the ethical and professional standards of the organization. MDRT members are reputed to have extensive professional knowledge, strict adherence to ethical standards, and exceptional client service.

2011 Star Club and 3rd Quarter Convention Qualifier, Pru Life U.K. | Star Club and International Convention Qualifiers are among the top producers of Pru Life, U.K. who reach a preset quota and travel all over the world to attend conventions, meeting fellow qualified finance professionals from all around the world.

2010 CEO Circle, Pru Life U.K. | CEO Circle awardees are major producers of Pru Life U.K. who reach a preset production goal.
2009 Star Club, Pru Life U.K.
2008 MDRT Member
2008 President's Club, Pru Life U.K. | Ro procured a spot in the President's Club by being among the two (2) highest producers of Pru Life U.K.

2011 Moscow International Convention Double Qualifier, Pru Life U.K.
2007 MDRT Member
2007 President's Club, Pru Life U.K. | Ro procured a spot in the President's Club by being among the four (4) highest producers of Pru Life U.K.

2007 Cancun International Convention Double Qualifier, Pru Life U.K.
2007 Toronto International Convention Double Qualifier, Pru Life U.K.
2007 Top Producer (March, July, August, October), Pru Life U.K.
2007 Among the Top Two (2) Producers (July, August, September, October, November), Pru Life U.K.

2006 MDRT Member
2006 Lucerne International Convention Double Qualifier, Pru Life U.K.
2006 Among the Top Fifteen (15) Producers, Pru Life U.K.
2005 Star Club, Pru Life U.K.
2005 Athens International Convention Qualifier, Pru Life U.K.
2004 Rookie of the Year, Pru Life U.K.
2004 CEO Circle, Pru Life U.K.


To educate and to provide sound financial advice to increase financial literacy and astute wealth management. Ro's aim is to develop entrepreneurship, make your money work for you, and build wealth for your peace of mind.